This is a space to share my soul with you!

“Toni Morrison once said, “your life is already artful––waiting, just waiting for you to make it art.” This quote is a brief synopsis of how I feel about myself as a writer. From the minute I started college, I knew I had the platform and agency to share my experiences and allow my writing to become an embodiment of who I am. That is what creative writing is and does––freedom. There are fewer rules to be followed when one writes creatively. 

At times, those rules are drowned by the feelings that inundate us so rapidly that we need to put them on paper. Despite the freedom I felt to write, I was still uncomfortable writing my truth because I did not want those around me to criticize what I write about and my style and writing mechanics. English is not my first language, which prevents me from being optimistic about my writing. I’m hard on myself because it will hurt my self-esteem if anyone else does it. Having the chance to learn and develop all genres of writing has increased my confidence only because now, I know that I have different outlets to express myself and share my art with the world.

i hope each word speaks to the deepest part of your soul!