Through obedience, we place ourselves on the potter's wheel to be molded.


This process is only successful when we are willing to surrender our pride and ask God to expose within us what doesn't bring him glory. Once we pray that prayer, Holy Spirit will start convicting us and as we submit to his conviction, God starts trimming our character.


"Pieces that have been bisque fired are much easier to glaze as it adheres to the clay body." Between the Molding process and the Glazing process, there is the "Bisque Fire," and the quote above says it all––when you go through the fire, we are ready to take on the character of Jesus more and more.

Hello Beautiful People! I'm Marie (Claudia) Alcis, and my goal is to create content that will help you realize who you are in God and how to maintain your identity.

God did not create us and then thought of our purpose––he created our purpose from the foundation of the world, and then he wove us in our mother’s womb with that purpose in mind. But God will not just reveal our unique life-long purpose, and boom, we are walking in it. It happens step-by-step. He requires us to walk by faith. With each step, our purpose is revealed. Every time Holy Spirit leads us to take a step, and we obey, we move one step closer to the finished product that God is molding us to be. Let’s remain on the potter’s wheel and allow him to show us all that we can be.  

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It was never about Naomi, but Jesus!

How often have we spoken negativity, or should I dare to say curses over ourselves, because we define our identity by temporary troubles instead of standing on our eternal God-given identity. We become so blinded by what we are going through that we don’t see what we have gained amid the struggles and battles.


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