Welcome to my journey

“But now, O Lord,
You are our Father;
We are the clay, and You our potter;
And all we are the work of Your hand.”

Isaiah 64:8

marie (Claudia) Alcis

I was born in Christianity, but I didn’t come to know Jesus until 2016. From that point on, I faced so experienced so much trauma that God later used to teach me His character and the agape love he has for us. Leaving my family at the age of eight and growing up in the foster care system gave room for so much rejection that manifested in many ways, especially in my writing. I knew writing was my escape, but I didn’t realize that it was my rock, a gift given by God to share His goodness with His people. My healing journey continues as I allow Holy Spirit to resurface the very memories that brought me so much pain. God doesn’t bring up without bringing out. I am learning to explore writing again, with Holy Spirit this time.

I am a recent graduate from the State University of New York at Plattsburgh––with a degree in The Arts and Sciences (English Writing Arts and English Literature and minor in Africana Studies). Together, my majors and minor created a wholesome representation of who I am. I took classes that allowed me to learn and explore my passion for creative writing, specifically Spoken Word Poetry.

Freedom From Rejection

Rejection became my identity because I saw myself through the lens of my trauma, not God’s Devine calling on my life. Whatever the identity the world presented, I said yes to. But God never gave up on me. Every experience was used to expose the lies that I believed for so long. Through that, I realized who He created me to be. You can listen to my full testimony on Youtube.