Why do we need Community?

At one point, I couldn't receive from people without giving them something in return until one day, in prayer, God said to me, who do you think that you are that I can use you to bless others, but I can't use others to bless you? When someone gives us something, it is not them, but the God in them.

Hey Beautiful! 

I want to share a quick testimony with you concerning the Christian community. First, let’s pray. Father, I thank you for your child. May this blog bless them and open their eyes to the importance of community. I thank you that they will experience your love with every word in the name of Jesus. Amen

I was filled with so much rejection for years, which caused instability in all the relationships in my life. I would force myself to reject love from people. I truly believed that I shouldn’t have to fight for friendships because I would end up alone anyway. It wasn’t until God opened my eyes and showed me that I was cultivating relationships from a place of pain, and that is not how he created me to be. He called me a wife, a mentor, a friend, and so much more. He started teaching me to trust and receive love from those around me from that point on. Because the eyes of my understanding finally opened, I was and still am able to receive from those within my community. I no longer accept thoughts of rejection that the enemy tempts me with. So, are you a person who lacks trust? A person who has stopped relationships from cultivating because one person hurt you in the past? Are you bleeding on those who never hurt you? Let’s see what the Bible has to say concerning this topic.

God didn’t call us to be alone 

From Genesis, God said it is not suitable for a man to be alone. Adam didn’t go to God asking for Eve; God saw that it wasn’t fit for him to be alone, so He gave Adam a helpmate. Throughout the New Testament, the church is referred to as the “body of Christ.” Our bodies are not just a foot or a hand or an eye. It is made of different parts that work together to help the whole system (body) function.

In the same way, we are all called to operate under the same system family. 1 Corinthians 12:27 says, “Now you are Christ’s body, and individually members of it.” We all have a role to play that is specific to our abilities—even the structure of how God created Families to operate. The husband and the wife serve different roles uniquely designed for them: the husband is the head, and the wife is the keeper of the home, and when they both fulfill their role, the system of marriage/family can function. Every system around us is designed where different members must do their role for the whole system to function, from the solar system to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  


We need each other for support. Yes, Jesus is our solid rock, but he will not leave heaven to come and give you a hug or a bag of groceries. He will send you someone, but if we don’t understand that it is God who is providing for us through this person, we can allow our pain to cause us to reject that person. At one point, I couldn’t receive from people without giving them something in return until one day, in prayer, God said to me, who do you think that you are that I can use you to bless others, but I can’t use others to bless you? When someone gives us something, it is not them, but the God in them. 

Also, Ecclesiastes 4:9:10 says, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” Jesus promised us that we would have trouble in this life; thus, the enemy will come, he came for Peter, and Jesus said to him, “But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren (Luke 22:32).” Have you ever felt so weak spiritually because of the circumstances around you? Think about those around you who intercede on your behalf. Have you ever been in prayer in some came to your mind, and you felt the urgency to pray for them? That is God using you to support this person and shield them from the enemy’s attack with your prayers. Again, in the books of Acts, when Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles, they were praying in one accord. There is something powerful about unity that shakes the spiritual realm. Let us not become an easy target for the enemy through self-isolation. 

Be Discerning 

Of course, we must be discerning the people in our lives to see if God sends them. The devil comes as an angel of light; therefore, we should test every spirit. Job’s friends were supposed to be a source of encouragement, but instead, they accused and belittled him. Iron sharpens iron only, nothing else! So, to those God has called to support others, we must be obedient to the Holy Spirit. If He wakes you up at 3 am to pray for a friend, be obedient because we never know that attack they are under at that current moment. 

For more on this topic, please head over to my Instagram. I went live on 01/15/22 with a friend who was kind enough to share what God has shown her about toxic vs. godly community. You will be blessed! 


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