Return To Your first Love

Do you feel like God has left you? Do you feel as if the presence of Holy Spirit was snatched from you? Well, the devil is a liar. God never leaves; we are the ones who get up and leave.

Hey Beautiful!

Before you begin, let’s pray. Father God, I thank you for this beautiful soul. May each word be refreshing to their soul and fire to their bones. I come against all forms of distraction in the name of Jesus. Allow them to hear your voice and feel your love in this blog. Amen

Do you feel like God has left you? Do you feel as if the presence of Holy Spirit was snatched from you? Well, the devil is a liar. God never leaves; we are the ones who get up and leave. “Here Again” by Elevation Worship, one of my favorite songs, says, “will you meet me here again.” As I was listening to it recently, God reminded me of this scripture from Revelation 2:4: “Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” So, I started to realize that the Bible says that God is a keeper of his word because he is not a man that he should lie and a son of man that he would repent (Numbers 23:19). Therefore we are the ones who leave him. But why does that happen? These three reasons are shown in scripture: 

1. The Goodness of Life 

Jesus shares the Parable of the Wedding Party in Matthew 22:1-14, and when the master sent out the servants several times to call those who were invited to the party, some decided not to attend. They didn’t attend, not because they were struggling financially or spiritually, but because they were too busy consuming the goodness of life. Some just purchased a new home; some just got married; some were too busy managing their new businesses. Everything was too good to attend the wedding. Don’t allow your blessings to keep you from the presence of God. Sadly, we forget that it was God who blessed us in the first place. Thus we must work our schedule around God, not God around our schedule. When God sends you reminders through His Servants, don’t ignore them. 

2. Walking by Feelings

According to Zechariah 4:6, we understand that nothing is done by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God. We often say, “I don’t feel the presence of God,” as an excuse to not pray. Do you think King David always felt the presence of God? Holy Spirit is not here to babysit us. We believe in God by faith: the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. It’s the knowing that God would never leave; it’s the knowing that we have power because Holy Spirit is inside of us. He has already come in you; He doesn’t need to keep coming upon you for you to know that He is there. The heart is deceitful above all things; therefore, our trust should be in the promise that God would never leave us, which is mentioned over 25 times in the scriptures. 

3. Unconfessed Sin

If we carefully study the life of King David, compared to King Saul, we will see that King David sinned more than Saul, yet he was considered one of the greatest kings to ever live in Israel. Despite all the wrong he did before God, he remained under the anointing. Unlike King Saul, King David was quick to repent. Please understand that God is waiting for us to approach His throne of grace with boldness when we sin. He is quick to forgive. When we feel as if we have sinned too much to step into the presence of God; It is a trick of the enemy to keep us bound because only in his presence can our scarlet hearts be made white as snow. 

God didn’t leave. He didn’t remove his anointing. He didn’t take his gift from us. He didn’t take Holy Spirit from us. We are the ones who have left, and we must return to our first love in humility. He is Jehovah Shammah; The Lord is There. As we ask him to meet us here again, he asks us the same question.

 Meditate on These Scriptures:

Isaiah 44:22, “I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you.”

Joel 2:13, “Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.”

Isaiah 1:18, “Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.”

Thank you for reading. I hope you felt blessed!


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